Welcome to Dansk udgave! Dansk udgave!


We have been in Iceland in May 2024.

Click on the picture of the Harlequin Duck, for seeing some of our photos.
Other News:

The telephone company has killed our landline telephone!

As the telephone company has stopped maintaining copper cables, we have been
forced installing a fiber connection. But as fiber cables cannot transmit analogue
voice signals they have closed our landline!
"Honi soir qui mal y pense!"

We have been in Jordan together with two
of our grandchildren in October 2023.
Click on the Jordanian flag for seeing more.

We spent 14 days vacation i Finland in 2023.
Click on the picture of the lake for seeing
how it looked like.
We have been in a summer house at Marielyst on Falster
together with our children and grandchildren and more.

Leif has become
Danish Champion!

At the Danish championships in blind tasting of beer for teams,
on April 15th. in Odense, Kasper, Peter and Leif became number 1.
  Karen has turned 75 years old!

We celebrated Karen's 75-years birthday on January 7.,
but only with children, grandchildren and sons-in-law.

Click on the picture for seeing the family in big scale.

In Marts 2022 we visited South Africa.

On the occasion of Leif's 75th birthday, we went to South Africa with most of our grandchildren and their parents.

Click on the picture of the lions for seeing what we experienced.

After re-opening of the hair dressers in May 2021 Leif had finally had a haircut after half a year.

We went island hopping in Denmark

In August 2020 we went on a nice tour to Thurø, Tåsinge and
Langeland. We saw old fishermen's huts on Thurø. We sailed
with the vintage ferry "Helge". We visited Valdemar's Castle
on Tåsinge, and we went on a "city" walk in Tranekær, Langeland.

Click on the picture from Thurø marina for seeing our pictures from the tour.
We visited Costa Rica
In February 2020 we were on a fantastic journey to Costa Rica
We experienced the rich fauna and flora of Costa Rica together
with marvelous beaches, water falls, rain forest and the
beautiful nature.

Click on the picture of the toucan for seeing some of our photos from Costa Rica.
We have been in Belarus!

In November 2019 we went on a city break to Minsk in Belarus.
Click on the Belarussian flag for seeing how it looked like.
Go to the Middle East!
  October 2019 we visited Jordan.
See our photos from Amman, Jerash, Madaba,
Petra, Jordan River, Dead Sea, Wadi Rum, Aqaba
and many other exiting locations!
Click on the picture of the Treasury in Petra!
We have been at Sprogø!  
A Saturday in August we went to Sprogø.
Click on the picture of the Great Belt
Bridge seen from Sprogø, if you would
like seeing pictures from the island.
  The summer holidays 2019 we spent in Finland.
Click on the picture of the beach at Ekenäs
for seeing some of our photos from ur holidays.
We have also been in Romania!
We travelled around in Romania and Moldova the first week of May 2019.

Click on the picture of the stork for seeing some of our impressions.
"It is not about winning but about participating!" said Leif,
who became no. 9 at the Danish Championship in Blind Tasting 2019!

Leif was in Oman in November 2018.

Click on the picture of the camel if you
would like seeing some of Leif's photos.
WARNING! Most of the pictures are showing birds!
We visited Macedonia in September 2018.

Together with three friends we spent a week in Macedonia.
Click on the picture of Alexander the Great
if you would like seeing some of our photos.
In August 2018 we went to Siberia and Mongolia.

If you would like seeing how Siberia and Mongolia looks like
then click on the picture of Genghis Khan!

We spent our summer holidays in St. Cyprien in France in 2018, (as usual)!
In May we travelled around in the Baltic countries.

Click on the picture of Leif drinking a Latvian beer!
We have been on a trip to England.

We have been five days in Manchester in April 2018 visiting Karen's cousin.
We have been in Malta!

Click on the picture of the watch tower for
seeing some of our photos from Malta.
We have also been in Russia sailing on Volga and Don!

Click on the Lenin logo for seeing extracts of what we have seen.
2017 we spent our winter holidays
in the Dominican Republic!

Click on the picture from the beach
for seeing our impressions.
In September 2016 we visited Canada!

Click on the Canadian flag for seeing
some of our pictures from Canada.
We have been at Madagascar!
Click on the picture of the lemur for seeing some of our pictures from Madagascar.
In January 2016 we were in Japan.
We travelled around in 10 degrees centigrade
below zero watching monkeys and birds!

Click on the picture of the monkey for
seeing some of our pictures from Japan.


We have uploaded our genealogical
tables to the internet.
Click on the picture of the Nielsen
Family for seeing (some of)
Karen's genus,
or click on Leif's first genealogical table from 1961
for seeing (some of) Leif's genus.

Note: The tables are only in the Danish language!


Karen & Leif Høxbroe
Ketilstorp Allé 40
DK-2650 Hvidovre


Click on one of our photos, if you want to know more about us!

Or click on an icon if you want to go directly to our interests.

Birds Stamps Beer Art Flowers Food

If you have any comments or questions to The Høxbroe's Home Page then feel welcome to send an e-mail to:

Last updated 6. June 2024